Arti kata post dated check sebenarnya dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) & Kamus Ekonomi Uang & Bank secara singkat adalah Cek mundur

Post-dated checks are commonly used in business transactions to provide a future date for the recipient to deposit or cash the check. Here’s an example of how post-dated checks can be used in business:

Suppose a company purchases goods from a supplier but does not have enough funds to make an immediate payment. Instead, they provide the supplier with a post-dated check. The check is dated for a future date, typically a few days or weeks later, when the company expects to have sufficient funds in their account.

By issuing a post-dated check, the company demonstrates their commitment to paying for the goods they received, while providing a specific date for the supplier to present the check for payment. This arrangement allows the company to fulfill their obligation without making an immediate payment, giving them some time to manage their cash flow effectively.

Once the agreed-upon date arrives, the supplier can deposit or cash the post-dated check, and the company’s bank account should have sufficient funds to cover the payment. The use of post-dated checks in this scenario helps facilitate the smooth flow of goods and services between businesses while providing a mutually acceptable payment arrangement.

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Semoga penjelasan definisi kosakata post dated check dapat menambah wawasan & pengetahuan anda dalam berkomunikasi menggunakan istilah kosakata tentang Dunia Ekonomi Uang & Bank

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